Fixed an issue where a value for the Electron debug port would not be respected if defined using the ELECTRON_EXTRA_LAUNCH_ARGS environment variable.Fixed minor issues with Typescript types in the CLI.Fixed a race condition in electron where the test window exiting prematurely during the browser launch process was causing the whole test run to fail.Fixed a race condition that was causing a GraphQL error to appear on the Debug page when viewing a running Cypress Cloud build.Fixed an issue where chrome was not recovering from browser crashes properly.Fixed a regression introduced in Cypress 12.12.0 where Cypress may fail to reconnect to the Chrome DevTools Protocol in Electron.Fixed issues where commands would fail with the error must only be invoked from the spec file or support file.Cypress Cloud users can now receive desktop notifications about their runs, including when one starts, finishes, or fails.

Fixed an issue with the Typescript types of cy.screenshot().Fixed invalid stored preference when enabling in-app notifications that could cause the application to crash.Fixed an issue where web workers could not be created within a spec.